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I am very happy to provide references for students who have demonstrated strong achievement in my modules. Supporting students in their future academic and professional pursuits is an important part of my job at St Andrews, and I am pleased to do so where possible.

However, given the volume of requests I must employ some rules. First, I require a minimum of two weeks – and preferably as much time as possible – to complete a letter. Second, I always include basic benchmark criteria in any reference, especially the student’s grade and relative position in the module. This is important information for the university/employer requesting the letter, and helps ensure that I can offer an effective and professional assessment of your performance.

For students still attending St Andrews, it is best to discuss a potential letter during my regular office hours.

I receive many requests for letters, and it can be challenging to keep track of the various deadlines and reference requirements. It is therefore very important that you take ownership of the process and provide me with the necessary information in a timely manner. Where I am able to provide a supportive letter, please ensure that you send me all of the following information in one email:

  1. An up-to-date CV;
  2. Information concerning the program(s), including any website;
  3. Process for submitting the letter (online, via email, hard copy, etc.) and deadline;
  4. A copy of your application letter or statement (this should clearly state your interest in the program and objectives);
  5. Specific information concerning any information (accomplishments, future goals) you would like me to highlight.